He was born on December 15 1928
Hundertwasser’s dad died when he was 1 in 1929
Hundertwasser was a child while WW2 was happening.
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Hundertwasser is from Vienna, Austria
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Art (3)
He doesn’t like straight lines
He likes bold colours
He has a creative mind
Hundertwasser made a public toilet in New Zealand near Kawaka.
Hundertwasser made the Koru flag of New Zealand in 1983.
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He was buried in New Zealand, while at sea.
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Hundertwasser died on February 19, 2000 at the Pacific ocean who then was buried in New Zealand under a tulip tree.
This is my Hundertwasser artwork. Above it is a DLO about the artist himself. I really enjoyed this activity as we got to be creative and blend colours in with pastels which made it look really beautiful. Learning about Hundertwassers artwork really captivated me in the way he thought and the things he did.