
Saturday, 30 May 2015

Zeba and Saruja- Samoan Language week

Here is our samoan language presentation. This presentation was created by zeba and I. This presentation includes information about the culture , dance , numbers and much more.Throughout the making of this presentation we have learnt much more about samoa than we did previously.

Friday, 29 May 2015

Beat The Clock

This game was called beat the clock it helps you by answering basic facts questions faster and knowing them better. This game has level 1 - 9. Beat the clock was part of my Multiplication challenge.


This screenshot is taken at Tec. It is a site called Scratch and it is a website were you created animated cartoons. This site has sound , back rounds and animated characters you can use to make your Scrath better.

Thursday, 28 May 2015

Maths - Table Master

Fastest Answer

2 x 4 = 8
1.743 seconds

Slowest Answer

7 x 4 = 28
11.064 seconds

Your Results

9 x 4 = 365.142 seconds
6 x 4 = 243.128 seconds
8 x 4 = 323 seconds
11 x 4 = 441.88 seconds
2 x 4 = 81.743 seconds
5 x 4 = 202.816 seconds
10 x 4 = 402.464 seconds
3 x 4 = 121.848 seconds
12 x 4 = 483.216 seconds
7 x 4 = 282.88 seconds
2 x 4 = 82 seconds
6 x 4 = 244.192 seconds
4 x 4 = 163.288 seconds
1 x 4 = 41.92 seconds
9 x 4 = 362.84 seconds
4 x 4 = 162.4 seconds
5 x 4 = 202.496 seconds
8 x 4 = 322.336 seconds
3 x 4 = 122.008 seconds
7 x 4 = 2811.064 seconds

4 Times Table
63 Seconds

This is my results from my 4 times tables. This screenshot is part of my multiplication challenge. The game I was playing was called table master. If I practice more, I can answer the questions more faster.

Maori Gods - Tane Mahuta

This is a collabrative Prezi based on Tane Mahuta (Maori God of the forests) created by Sajiha and I. We have included factual information and images to help support our thinking. 

Wednesday, 27 May 2015

Basic Samoan Greetings

This is my prezi about learning simple words in Samoan. It shows how you can saw a few simple words in samoan language. I hope that you have found what your looking for or have learnt something from this prezi.

Maths challenge

This is my maths challenge for today. This game that I played was called table maths.This game was a multiplayer game that i played with my friends.

Tuesday, 26 May 2015

Current Events

This google drawing is my current events from this week. It is about a boy who gives a blessing  to a homeless person.

Maths Challenge

This screenshot is part of our maths challenge. Today the game that we were playing was called table dash this game helped me figure out the problem faster.

Monday, 25 May 2015

Challenge By Choice

This google drawing shows what challenges I made during camp .

My five minute snap shot

Five minutes of archery

The gates opened , all of the students rushed to the arrows. Our instructor was giving us a set of instruction but I just wanted to shoot my first arrow. After the instructor stopped talking the first set of people stood up and took and arrow.

I took a step forward it was as if everyone was staring at me with beady eyes. As I was holding the arrow I immediately realized how sweaty my palms were getting. While he was calling out the set of instructions it was if hours were passing.

Then I heard “ THREE TWO ONE GO ! “ I took a deep breath staring at the target and ZOOM the arrows shot. “  yes “ I said under my breath I had got my arrow on the black. I picked up the next arrow but before I shot it I realized the other students were shouting with encouragement and support. I looked to the other side and saw a camera flashing away. I pulled back , my arms were shaking like jelly “ ZOOM .“  I was up to my last arrow and while I was waiting for the call I realized my sweaty palm , shaking arms  and my fear had disappeared.

This is my 5 minute snap shot recount. My snap shot recount is about my time in archery and our goal was to paint a picture in the reader mind.

Fast factors

Today in room everybody got to choose a times table to practice . This screenshot here is from a maths game called fast factors.If you would like to go on the site click on the Click here.

Sunday, 24 May 2015

How to create a chariot

This is a presentation on how to create a chariot. This presentation includes information about the 4 cliff knot.

My Letter To Johnny

Dear Johnny

I would like to let you know that Room 5, thank you very much for guiding us through amazing lessons with safety, care and supervision. Thank you for giving us an opportunity to experience new adventures and giving up your time to instruct us throughout every single activity we have completed. We want you to know that we really appreciate the times where you believed in us no matter how far behind we were. Thank you for being patient with us when some of us were still learning . When we look back to the 2 days of camp we spent with you we remember all the amazing memories we have had together as
   a team.

From Zeba

This is my letter to Johnny . On camp Johnny was our instructor and he did a great job . I wrote this letter because room 5 wanted to thank all our instructors because of  how much we appreciated them helping us.

Friday, 22 May 2015

Blog Commenting

Dear Latham and Djae ,

Me and Tiare love your underground soldiers DLO. We also like how eye catching you made the DLO great job.

From Zeba and Tiare
  1. Hi Mengchun , Linda , Silivia,

    You guys did a Great job at showing the way you solved your strategy in a clear way. Me and Tiare love the way you guys set the layout. Keep working hard towards greater achievements.
    Dear Mrs. Clarks students ,

    Me and Tiare are from Panmure Bridge School and we really enjoyed your numeracy video clip. Me and Tiare learnt a lot from watching it we hope to see more of your great work.
  2. These three comments here are made by Taire and I. They were made to Room 5 , Room 6 Point England School.

Thursday, 21 May 2015

Rangitoto island

This padlet has information about Rangitoto island and awesome facts about creatures and plants.

Blogging Comparison

This google drawing includes information about my blogging data. It includes a graph witch shows what improvement I have made blogging each year I have been in a digital classroom. Sometimes I have made bad choice but have learned form them.

My Photo Essay

This is my photo essay that I created about our Kakako lodge camp 2015. Some of  the photos in the photo essay are from high ropes , meet ups , Hunua falls and Chariot racing.

Wednesday, 20 May 2015

Kauri die-back

Here is a presentation about why have to disinfect our shoes when we go on hikes. This presentation also includes information about the Kauri trees and the bacteria witch kills them.

Monday, 18 May 2015

Key competiences

This is my collaborative presentation created by Yvette, Nesi and I. In this presentation it includes information about the key competencies , camp and our predictions on what key competencies were were excepting to use.

Monday, 11 May 2015

Similes and Metaphors

Here is a collaborative Prezi created by Zeba and I. We have included images and useful information to back up our work. If you want to have a try using Prezi, here is the link:

Friday, 8 May 2015

Jayne Lynche's Hearing loss

This is a short prezi that summarises Jane Lynch and her hearing loss. I have worked collaboratively with Sajiha to create this. It includes useful information and images to support our thinking. 

Thursday, 7 May 2015

What is NZSL ?

What is NZSL? If you don't know what it stands for and what it means you can check out this presentation to teach you what it is.

Friday, 1 May 2015

Blog comment

Zeba said...
Hello Saruja ,

Well done on creating this clear and greatly designed poster. I have understanded this really clearly . Well done on creating this amazing poster.

This is my comment to  Saruja. I commented on her blog because I really enjoyed reading her google drawing on the ANZAC memorial.