
Thursday, 30 May 2013

Our drama with Miss Eels.

                                Our sound-tracking drama with Miss Eels

Last week our class was busy doing sound-tracking. The first time we tried it there was allot of noise it looked like they were going out of their mind but once miss Eels called out, " enough nose now get on to your drama. " so they did. All of us had to be in a group in my group there was Jessie, Lavinia and Yevvet it was very weird our choices were to pretend we saw a alien invasion, landing on the moon or spaceship landing. When Miss Eels said, " times up   you need to come and sit on the mat." me and Jessie were the most ones nervous there were some that were haliriouse and some normal but when it was our turn it was normal.

My kiwi kids news quiz result.

This is my result on how well I did on the kiwi kids news quiz my partner was jessie.

Wednesday, 29 May 2013

My flipping eBook on Past education.

This is my flipping ebook I have learnt a lot about past education things like how girls and boys do different subjects and that they got caned.

Tuesday, 28 May 2013

My Extra maths certificate.

This is my Extra maths certificate for passing addition and moving on to subtraction.

My Extra maths results.

This is my extra maths results I think I did allot better then last time I'm going to practice more at home to get all of them right.

Monday, 27 May 2013

Technology in past education.

This is my technology in education timeline.

My Extra Maths results.

I think I got allot of question right then the other time next time I play extra maths I am going to get better by practicing more at home.

Monday, 20 May 2013

My extra maths results.

This is my extra maths results next time i want to work on practice with my parents more at home.

My maths whizz results .

This is my maths whizz results next time I go on it for 60 minutes so I can reach the standard.

Friday, 17 May 2013

Thursday, 16 May 2013

My extra math results.

This is my extra maths results on subtraction I think I need to really get faster at racing the teacher.

Monday, 13 May 2013

My extra maths results.

this is my extra maths results next time I want to work on earning more smiley faces.

My maths whizz results.

This is my maths whizz results I want to work on going on it at home more and at school and room five is very lucky because its the only class that has maths whizz .

Friday, 10 May 2013

Should we wear a school uniform at Panmure bridge school.

This week we've been learning about arguments. Our argument is about should we wear a school uniform  at Panmure Bridge school?

This is my extra maths results.

This is my extra maths results next time I go on extra maths I want to work on getting more smiley faces.

Wednesday, 8 May 2013

My extra maths result.

This is my extra maths result next time  want to get better at doing it faster.

Tuesday, 7 May 2013

My extra maths ressults

This is my extra maths result next time I want to work on doing it faster