
Saturday 2 January 2016

My Summer Learning Journey - Day 3

Curious Kiwi has made his own packing list! My second activity for Day 3 is where I pick ten things from curious Kiwi's list that I would need. The ten things I picked are written in red.

 Curious Kiwi’s Packing List
  1. Camera 5. Sunscreen 9. Jerseys 13. Boots
  2. Sun hat 6. T-shirts 10. Socks 14. Snowsuit
  3. C:\Users\rwil313\Desktop\Notepad image.jpgPhone 7. Shorts 11. Togs 15. Mittens
         8. Pants          12. Towel        16. Jandals

1 comment:

  1. Hi Zeba,

    I like to see that you've highlighted the snowsuit, mittens, boots and jerseys that are on Curious Kiwi's list. That is very clever!

    I also like to see that you've highlighted the camera and phone. You will definitely want to take lots of pictures while you're in Germany. Do you currently take a lot of pictures? I am trying to remember to take photos of important events and people but I often forget. I end up thinking about it hours after the event has already finished and it's too late!

    I will try to do better with my picture taking this year. Fingers crossed that I remember!

    Speaking of remembering, it looks like you have remembered the key items for your trip. Now that your suitcase is packed it's time to hop on the plane. I wonder what books you will pack with you. I'll head onto Day 4 to read your blogs and see what you've decided to bring!

    Bye for now,

